EMBA Americas
Kingston, Canada
18 monthsTuition fee
177749 CAD (119367 )Start date
27 June, 2025Application deadline
15 January, 2025Executive MBA Americas
An 18-month program presented by two of North America's most prestigious business schools. Earn two world-class MBAs while you work.
The Cornell-Queen's Partnership
The Executive MBA Americas program, previously known as the Cornell-Queen's Executive MBA, is the only program of its kind in the world. It is made possible through a partnership between two of North America's premier business schools — Smith School of Business at Queen's University and the Johnson School of Management at Cornell University in New York.
- Graduates of the program earn MBA degrees from both Cornell and Queen's
- Graduates are considered to be full-fledged alumni of both schools
- The classroom experience is shared by participants from Canada, Chile, Mexico, Peru and the USA
- Classes are led by outstanding faculty from both schools
- Residential sessions are held at both Cornell and Queen's
There is no other executive MBA program in Canada that offers these opportunities.